From April 2001 to March 2007, Chemicals Evaluation and Research Institute (CERI) was engaged in a project, "Chemical Risk Assessment and Development of Risk Assessment Methods" under "Comprehensive Chemical Substance Assessment and Management Program" funded by New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) in Japan.This project was the first attempt in Japan to develop comprehensive hazard assessments of chemical substances for application in risk assessment. Under this project, about 150 chemical substances were selected among those designated as Class I Chemicals under the Law Concerning Reporting, etc. of Release to the Environment of Specific Chemical Substances and Promoting Improvements in Their Management (The Law for Pollutant Release and Transfer Register and Promotion of Chemical Management, hereafter PRTR Law)*). In order to share the outcomes of the project globally, CERI, independently selected the following seven chemical substances and developed the English version of the hazard assessment reports.
*) : Details of the PRTR Law, the list of designated chemical substances, and release data in Japan are available on Internet at: